Wotherspoon Books

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Tan Lines, Tattoos, and Scars

Tan lines, tattoos, and scars. My left legs contain each of these. They’ve all been obtained through different means (some intentional, some unintentional), I have them for different reasons and each holds a different meaning.

My tan lines are a result of my desire to sit in the sun and get some semblance of color on my pasty legs (the brace is making this incredibly difficult!). They have no real benefit other than to help me feel better about my appearance. While they bring me happiness for a season, the reality is that they won’t last forever - they are temporary and create a cycle of need in order to maintain the sense of gratification that they bring.

My tattoo on my foot tells an entirely different story. It is in my grandfather’s handwriting and holds deep meaning. This was very intentional and done as a tribute to him when he passed away (there’s one on my right foot in my grandmother’s handwriting as a tribute to her memory as well). This is a mark on my body I both chose and cherish.

Then you have my scars from my recent knee surgery. I suppose I chose the date and time of the surgery, but the procedure itself was out of necessity. If there was any other reasonable option I would have gladly taken it. Nonetheless, these little scars hold meaning, too. They are a forever reminder of what my knee has been through and that there’s a brighter hope for my future health.

As I’ve had a bit more time to sit and think lately, I have found it interesting to draw the conclusion (as weird as it sounds) that the roadmap on my leg seems to serve as a symbolic reflection of my soul. I’d also venture to bet that you can relate, too. Let me explain these one at a time.

TAN LINES - These represent the attractive and enticing earthly things we desire in this life in order to fulfill a longing in our hearts - looks, status, indulgent possessions. They aren’t necessarily wrong in their nature but they are fleeting and can cause cancerous issues down the road if we are not careful. Sometimes I find myself longing for things that I think will give me joy only to realize that they actually leave me feeling emptier than I did before. It might be because the outcome isn’t exactly how I imagined. Most of the time it’s because the feeling of happiness they bring isn’t permanent and I’m still left with the longing for a “darker tan” (i.e. the next best thing). As enticing as they are to have (unless you’re wearing a bulky brace!), tan lines don’t last forever and they can create a poison beneath the surface. They may bring a brief and momentary uplift to our souls, but they aren’t the primary things we should desire or hold tightly to in this life.

TATTOOS - Ah, these pack a powerful punch when it comes to meaning don’t they (even if you’re anti-tattoos, stay with me here)? We choose to put these inked impressions on our bodies and they identify the things that are the most precious to us. Even though we know they will bring temporary pain, we gladly endure it because we also know there’s a promise that the message will last - we can literally wear our heart’s mission on our sleeves. This is the sweet spot in our souls, our life’s purpose. When you step out in faith in Christ, your spirit is labeled as “A Child of God” and you are called to something so much bigger than what the world has to offer. This will come with the temporary pain of sacrifice and most likely ridicule in this life but it will bring so much reward in the next. Tattooing the everlasting title of “Christian” on your heart will allow you to move forward in faith and make a choice that will forever change your destiny. And if at first, we make some choices that mark us with regret (which all of us have at some point), we do have the hope of a second chance. That’s the entire purpose of God’s grace. It can cover any mistake, turning it into something beautiful.

SCARS - These represent the battle wounds of this life delicately guided by God’s providential will. Unlike tattoos, we don’t choose these marks. Rather, they serve as reminders of hard things that have happened to us. Similar to tattoos, however, they are also painful at the time they take place but they are blessed recollections of where we’ve been, how far we’ve come in this life and a promise of where we are headed. They also allow us to hold on tightly to the truth that God is with us through the tears, the hurt, and the moments we feel all may be lost. He never leaves our side, friends. Jesus encountered some pretty hefty scars of His own and He cherished them as symbols of His love for us. In a similar way, we can embrace our scars as symbols of our love for Him.

So take your tan lines in stride, enjoy them for what they are but don’t be afraid to let them go. They hold no real value in the end. Tattoo yourself with a meaningful purpose in this life. Take your regrets to the Lord and allow Him to cover them with His sacrifice. And, finally, let your scars empower you as they remind you of all you’ve survived this side of Heaven. They will guide you down a path that leads to your eternal home where your lasting treasures will be waiting alongside the peace of paradise.