Wotherspoon Books

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Kindness. Changes. Everything.

This morning, in between my typing, I’m sipping on a little cup of “Kindness Coffee”. No, this isn’t the newest Starbucks brew or a cup with a splash of Bailey’s in it to help boost my patience level. It’s simply made with some grounds given to me by a dear friend when I was having a pretty bad day. Don’t get me wrong, the flavor is great, but that’s not what makes it so special. It was the extension of kindness made by the person who gave it to me. Each swallow comes with an instant smile at the thought of her sincere heart.

Large sweeping gestures of kindness are wonderful, but dare I say that it’s the little, everyday things we do that make the biggest impacts. We can be like the widow in the Bible, with only two mites to give and yet that tiny amount meant the world to Jesus because it was everything to her. We don’t have to have big resources, just a big heart. And a heart that’s inclined toward giving is also equipped with a level of trust that the kindness of God will meet our needs as well. Believe me friends, nothing feels more incredible than knowing something you needed was provided directly from the hand of God. It’s awesome and invigorating and propels our kindness to the next level. It’s an amazing, life changing cycle of love.

And that kindness, it changes EVERYTHING! First, it changes the people we are kind to. My day went from horrible to hopeful all because my friend thought of me and loved me enough to want to give me a gift of joy that came from a genuine place in her heart. She didn’t expect anything in return, she didn’t want some grandiose ‘thank you’ and a public applause for her efforts (even thought I gave her both of these because she lifted my sinking spirit in one of my deepest times of need and I was so grateful!). She didn’t desire any of these things, she truly just wanted to know that her actions made my day better. THIS is a reflection of the heart of God and we are all thankful for people like this in our lives!

You know what else kindness changes? YOU! There’s an alteration that happens deep within our souls when we put ourselves aside in order to be kind to others. It’s that infamous moment (for all of of my Dr. Seuss fans out there) where “the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day.” We are given the invaluable gift of a humble heart with God-given Spidey senses to seek out opportunities to bless those around us. And just like the widow mentioned above, sometimes we have very little to give and yet we are so blessed because we gave anyway - however we can. It’s not the amount, it’s the motivation behind the gift that creates a salve for both your soul and the soul of the one on the receiving end of your kind actions.

The biproduct of kindness is a softened spirit that desires to spread more kindness and on and on this beautiful circle goes. It truly is better to give than to receive, I challenge you to try it and dare you to disagree. It’s an incredibly addicting phenomenon that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that kindness changes everything.