Wotherspoon Books

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My Personal New Year

Today is my 39th birthday :)

This past year has been, well, challenging. This next one gives me hope. Not because things might change (they might, and that would be amazing!), but because I’ve learned so much around how to face adversity and survive an entire variety of struggles.

The last 365 days have brought health issues, loss, heartache, life-altering challenges and, let’s not forget, a global pandemic. While these things can be tough, they’re also part of my reality and they're blessings if I look at them from a different angle. I’d like to share how looking backward with open eyes is helping me look forward with an open heart. My favorite writing style is poetry and I’m filtering my heart through it hoping you can relate in your own way. Here goes . . .


This year has gone past, and it’s challenged my soul,

But the lessons I’ve learned serve to make my heart whole.

I’ve been dropped to my knees, I’ve been pushed to my brink,

But The Lord stilled my footsteps and forced me think.

He’s paved a tough path with rugged terrain

To show me that loss can bring so much gain.

I’ve struggled in ways that have brought me quite low

To a point where my heartache had nowhere to go

But to turn to The One who’s blood sealed my fate

And promised me entrance once I reach Heaven’s gate.

So while I’m on earth, I don’t have to fear

If life isn’t perfect, if plans disappear,

If relationships falter when I can’t quite give back,

If I pivot directions when abilities lack,

If things appear different than what I had planned,

If I face situations that I don’t understand.

If today seems impossible and tomorrow seems bleak,

In the midst of it all, I know which Savior to seek.

I will lean on his shoulders and rest in his love

And I’ll trust that my trials are overseen from above

To fortify character, persistence, and grit

To provide me with insight I soon won’t forget.

I’ll embody more kindness, I’ll loosen my grip

On the false sense of comfort that I’m steering this ship.

I’ll glance backward with fondness without getting jarred.

And I’ll keep pressing forward even when life feels hard.

I’ll treasure the days when I feel some release

And cherish the gift of inexplicable peace.

38 has been wild, and with thanksgiving I’ll deploy

This 39th year with a spirit of joy!