Wotherspoon Books

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My Three Why's

Life has been a little (ok, a lot) sideways over the past few years. There have been so many changes and pivots that it feels a bit like I’ve been living within the edge of a tornado - tossed here, then thrown there, dropped down, then lifted back up, almost hitting the ground but then whooshed over to another part of the chaos. It’s been somewhere between an adventure and an emotional avalanche, but it’s been everything I’ve needed to turn my eyes back toward Christ who has been summoning me toward the calm eye of the storm all along. As I reach for his peace and reflect on my past, I’ve been processing WHY all of this has transpired. I’ve also been focusing on WHY I continue to tell my story.
Here are my top three reasons…

  1. I DO IT FOR ME - Telling my story and diving into my difficult moments provides an important stabilizing force for my heart as I wrangle my thoughts and feelings and funnel them into such an important form of emotional organization that works so well for me. I’ve always been a journaler, it’s embedded in my hardwiring. Putting it all down on paper or tapping it out on a keyboard helps me make sense of what seems like tangled spaghetti in my own head. It’s a solid form of therapy and it helps me decompress. It’s a necessity for me, especially now.

  2. I DO IT FOR YOU - I can’t tell you how many people have reached out to me to let me know that they can relate in some way to a blog post, one of my books, something I said in one of my videos, the list goes on. It’s not easy to open my diary for everyone to read, but it’s something my heart can’t ignore. I want to help, that’s my reason for putting this content out there. I know I’m not alone in my pain and I want each of you to know you’re not alone either. I’m here and I’m available. My journey has challenged me in so many ways, and I’m happy to be a relatable example at a distance or a sounding board up close for any one of you who needs to feel like there’s someone else out there who can relate.

  3. I DO IT FOR GOD - Even as a little girl, I’ve had a heart for ministry. I’ve felt this tug to be a reflection of Christ to those who are hurting, hungry, struggling or suffering. My husband jokes that there’d be no point in us playing the lottery because I’d just give it away if we won, I take this as a compliment :) I can’t help it, I feel like my purpose on this planet is to serve God by serving those in need. Because of this, Wotherspoon Books is a platform to broadcast messages and incite actions around kindness, hope, faith, and love. In fact, my profits are donated back to assist women and children who are survivors of Domestic Violence.

So, these are my “why’s,” my motivating factors, the fuel to my fire. And I’m sincere when I tell you I’m here. If you are struggling, I hope my content helps. And, if you’re comfortable, please don’t hesitate to reach out whether it be through a message on social media or an email (kelley@wotherspoonbooks.com). Our stories may be different but our hope springs from the same source. Friends, may each one of you be covered in the love, grace, peace and hope of The Lord.

”May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

-Romans 15:13-