Wotherspoon Books

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Watch Your Speed

I talk about the balance and budget of energy A LOT because it’s what keeps my life in check. The Energy Account Principle that I’ve developed is a belief system that we have ‘energy accounts’ that function no differently than our bank accounts. If we store our energy up, we’ll have it to expend when we need it. If we overextend what’s in our account, we’ll go into energy debt.

It’s simple on paper but so complicated to manage in real life. Heck, I created the darn principle and I still don’t have it down in my own life. It’s a process that involves a lot of discipline and grace, but it’s worth it when it finally clicks.

I think the biggest question we need to ask ourselves is HOW do we make it click? How do we know what is an investment into our accounts and what is an expense that draws from our balance? And, what qualifies as a wise expense? Wecan answer that with another question… is there a purpose and a peace to our pace? Let me explain.


What value do your decisions hold? When you choose to put your energy into something, do you feel like you are fulfilling a meaningful purpose or, upon honest evaluation, do you feel like you are wasting your time? We certainly have several purposes in life. We have a purpose to serve God in whatever he has called us to, we have a purpose to pour into our relationships as a spouse, parent, child, sibling, friend, mentor, employee, etc. We have a purpose to take care of ourselves and others. There’s even a purpose in indulging in the enjoyable things of this life in moderation. The key is to prioritize your purposes and budget your energy accordingly. It’s like choosing how to invest your money, the accounts that yield a higher interest will produce a higher return. You’re gaining as you’re giving.


As you learn to budget your energy more efficiently, the strangest thing will occur. You’ll be overcome by an extraordinary sense of peace. This is a natural biproduct of your efforts and a sign that how you are choosing to spend your time is wise. Peace comes as the result of a life lived in such a way that we have assurance of our actions. There may not be peace around us (we may be called to the very center of chaos if God so chooses), but our hearts will find an inexplicable rest in the Lord. Use this as your barometer. Is there a calmness in the midst of your circumstances regardless of how they may oscillate? If so, know that your energy account is in a healthy state. If you are feeling angst, however, try reevaluating where you are investing your energy. Outwardly it may seem to make sense, but that tug of uneasiness is a signal from the Holy Spirit that something needs to change so you don’t walk straight toward energy debt.


How fast or slow should I move? What should my schedule look like? Am I aimlessly busy or peacefully purposeful? Aren’t these the burning questions that dictate our every day? These decisions can be hard when made haphazardly. May I offer up a suggestion based on my own life experience? Apply the above concepts around peace and purpose and they will set your pace. We are all different and we all have different callings, restrictions, boundaries and life circumstances. We are the same, however, when it comes to core strategy. If your soul is at peace and your purpose is solid, that’s a good indication that your pace is on point. If this sentence is not true for you, you need to dig deep for what needs to change.

So pause the autopilot rat race existence for a minute and just stop. Breathe. Think. Pray. Evaluate. Energy debt is not a joke. I have hit bankruptcy in my life and I’m still in the process of building my account back up. Take some time to really understand where you are and what God has called you to, commit to making the necessary changes in order to continuously evolve your pace, and give yourself a giant measure of grace through the process!

He has saved us and called us to a holy life - not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.

- 2 Timothy 1:9 -