How Are You?

“How are you?”

That’s a loaded question when things aren’t going well in your life. Some of my symptoms have been growing increasingly worse over the past 6 months and I’ve avoided this question like the darn plague. There’s no easy answer to this. Oftentimes, I’m not ‘fine,’ I’m not ‘good,’ I’m sort of ‘ok.’ It’s exhausting to go into the details. It’s frustrating to recount the ways my body is failing. It’s a mixed bag of emotions.

So how am I?

I’m hurting.

I’m thankful.

I’m frustrated.

I’m blessed.

I’m anxious.

I’m optimistic.

I’m confused.

I’m hopeful.

I’m grieving.

I’m healing.

I’m all things in between.

Chronic pain, no matter what form you experience it in, is draining. It’s indescribable. It’s a rollercoaster of good days and bad days, ups and downs, highs and lows. So if you struggle to answer the ‘how are you?’ question, that’s entirely fair. If you sense someone is struggling to answer this question, show them grace, kindness, and compassion. You have no idea how badly I wish I could answer with honest positivity. I know so many out there in the same boat. Be patient with those who are struggling. And for those who can relate, be patient with yourself. I know this is a tall order, but the truth that you are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ stands true against all the debilitating ailments. Somehow, someway, God has a plan for our pain.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

-Psalm 139:14-

Kelley WotherspoonComment