Then the Lord told Moses, “Get up early in the morning and stand in Pharaoh’s way as he goes down to the river. Say to him, “This is what the Lord says: Let my people go, so they can worship me. If you refuse, then I will send swarms of flies on you, your officials, your people, and all the houses. The Egyptian homes will be filled with flies, and the ground will be covered with them, But this time I will spare the region of Goshen, where my people live. No flies will be found there. Then you will know that I am the Lord and that I am present even in the heart of your land.

- Exodus 8:20-22 (NLT) -

I’m reading through the book of Exodus right now and this passage caught my attention. Those flies were a direct call to obedience. God was demanding that Pharoh let the people of Israel go. He was also requiring Moses to step out in complete faith, and he was expecting the Israelites to trust his timing, protection and provision in the face of the unknown. Something I found incredibly fascinating in this passage was that the Lord determined where the flies went. They swarmed the Egyptians, but were nowhere to be found in the Israelites’ camp.

I can’t control a single fly in my own house, the demonstration of the Lord’s power over an entire swarm of flies is incredible. He truly is the “Lord of the Flies” and he is the Lord of our lives as well. He has promised to protect his people. We are bound to feel the uneasiness of being aliens in a foreign land, we will undoubtedly experience the edgy anticipation of a call to bold faith, and we will most likely embark on a journey that is characterized by a since of wandering in the wilderness at times. But we can fully trust that there is a purpose, plan and peace in the midst of our questions and heartache.


Every action our God takes is bathed in meaning. God is always at work in our circumstances to bring about glory to himself and growth to his people. We may feel as if our Heavenly Father isn’t present at times, but he has assured us he will never leave us or forsake us. He is always by our side, and there is always a purpose for every occurrence.


Each day we live has already been stamped with the perfect knowledge and oversight of our King. He never acts in the form of chance or happenstance. Everything is wrapped in reason and forethought. Nothing, I repeat NOTHING, is random. There’s an endgame to our existence.


So many of our experiences come with happiness and joy, only to be riddled with the entrance of sadness and grief. These low points can feel hopeless and pointless. I assure you, just as there is a point, there is peace. This peace comes through Christ alone, it cannot be found through any earthly means. It brings about a sense of stillness and acceptance that is beyond any human understanding. It is a gift sent straight from Heaven and presented to us in the palm of nail-pierced hands.

Take heart, friends. I hope these words meet you wherever you are at today. Seasons of this life are filled with trouble and uneasiness. Some of it will make sense now, some of it will be reserved for clarity in eternity, all of it falls under the umbrella of God’s provision and grace. He is in control always, and we can have confidence that every trial and challenge encapsulates a purpose, a plan, and an offering of peace. God commands the erratic fly and he commands each step of our winding journey back to our forever home with him.