Hindsight's 30/40

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Good morning my friend. I bet you're tired. I bet you're stressed. I bet you have a laundry list of 124,833 to-do's running through your head right now. I know I do.

I also bet you could use some encouragement (and maybe some coffee!). I know I could!

My heart has been heavy thinking about where I struggle, where you might struggle, where we ALL probably struggle and one central theme that continues to come to mind is that I try so hard to be a perfect wife, a perfect mom, a perfect . . . well, everything. And for some strange reason, no matter how much life experience I gain, no matter how much I read about Perfection 101, no matter how many TV show supermoms I try to pattern myself after - somehow I just can't get it all together. I mess up. I stress. I yell. I cry. My laundry sits for days (ok maybe weeks), my kids are dirty, I burn dinner regularly. UGH! 

So I've concluded that 'Hindsight's 30/40.' It's not 20/20, because we can think we've seen everything there is to see but we never really quite have it all figured out do we? AND THAT'S OK! We don't need to. We are ENOUGH. We are humans, we are made to bleed, to scar, to heal, and repeat. 

That's where our precious Savior comes in, to pick up our pieces and make us whole over and over again. He gives us the strength we'll never muster up on our own. He's our correctional lens to help bring this life into focus. What an amazing resource.

So smile. Breathe. You've got today. You've got tomorrow. Yesterday has taught you some valuable lessons. You've got an Omniscient Chauffeur who never has to stop and ask for directions and He's ready and willing to take the wheel and escort you down this blurry path. Enjoy the ride!

Kelley WotherspoonComment