Life Can Be A Mother ;)

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I thought I’d title this one in the spirit of Mother’s Day since it’s right around the corner. Just like the nature of life’s twists and turns, MOTHERS ARE TOUGH. The heart of a mother can hold so many complicated emotions and absorb our deepest pain with one all-encompassing hug or a gentle kiss on the forehead. And although we may not understand a mother’s discipline or direction at times, their intentions are of love and hope and a desire for us to grow and prosper. Our God has the same heart and we need to trust His path for us.

Converting from a full-time Sales Executive for a high speed, 24/7 industry to a full-time mom of 3 little crazies that move faster than any corporate pace has been one of the hardest transitions of my life, but God has provided me with the resources to slowly shift gears. It was anything but graceful in the beginning but I took it a step at a time and I’ve been able to find the beautiful diamonds of blessings buried in the ashes of my former life.

So, if I’m being real, one-minute life can be uplifting and peaceful and in the very next moment, it can come crashing down around us, shattering as we hit our rock bottom, and seem near impossible to piece everything back to the way it was. But those pieces aren’t always meant to fit back together to form the same picture. Sometimes the image is different and often this rollercoaster we’re on can be exhausting. But a little shift in perspective can be the very thing we need to continue pushing forward.

I’m in the process of writing a book about my personal journey. Here’s an excerpt that I hope will bring you an encouraging vantage point no matter where you are in life right now. Hold on friends, we’ll make it to the finish line.

The following is a poem I have written in the midst of my questions and fears, having no real answers to what was wrong with my body nor where my life would go from here:


Lord, only you can see the answers.

And only through the test of time

Can Your will reveal a harsh disaster

Is really a Father’s love sublime. 


Only faith can push me forward

When fear and weakness hold me back.

Eternal hope to carry onward

At a time for which the strength I lack.


I know you’re here, I feel your presence.

I hear Your voice, it calms my sea.

The waves may toss me from my comfort,

But You walk on water straight to me.


Thank You, Lord, for your love, Your Word

They’re a guiding light in this darkened place.

You’re by my side and help me abide

In the freedom of your matchless grace.


Though these mountains stretch beyond my vision

And no clarity is in my view

I trust and know You’ll work together

A good that will bring glory to You!

