Life is Like a Pair of Spanx- You Never Know How You're Gonna Fit


Spanx. The modern woman's girdle. One article of clothing most females can relate to (especially after bearing children) and one tiny strip of spandex most women have a love/hate relationship with. If you men have ever witnessed the awkward horror of a chick trying to squeeze into one of these, you know what Iā€™m talking about.

So we work out, we diet, we try to pass up that tantalizing piece of chocolate cake that seems to have grown a voice box and somehow manages to audibly call our name. But at the end of the day, age wins. Life wins. The cake wins. We're too exhausted to withstand a workout, we need a quick fix for dinner after a 12-hour workday, we don't always have the energy, resources, or mental capacity to make the healthiest of choices.

This is where the Spanx come in. Have you ever tried to shimmy into a pair of one of these suckers? I sure hope you didn't have an audience. My husband accidentally walked in on me squeezing these on once and it's an image unfortunately burned into his brain forever. You take one look at that fat-sucking torture chamber and think "Oh heck no! There is no way all of me is fitting into that!" They look tight, uncomfortable, really hard to get into BUT once you're in they're amazing.

They hide the accumulation of days you just couldn't make your body muster up the energy to go to the gym. They smooth all of the calories consumed from less than healthy meal options you've selected on the go. They allow GRACE for that piece of chocolate cake.

I see God's direction for my life in the same way. It's not easy, it's uncomfortable and sometimes I have absolutely NO idea how in the world I'm going to fit into the plan He's called me to. Seriously, God, my hips are way too big to squeeze through that small door of unknown opportunity. But somehow, the impossible happens. We decide to follow His will and we fit! We wiggle, we jump, we sometimes have to step out and start over but, like a pair of spiritual Spanx, we finally get in and it feels amazing. There is confidence. There is joy. There is beauty and grace!

Kelley WotherspoonComment