Treasures in Heaven

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I was reading a devotional this morning and it spoke about storing up your treasures in Heaven. This really resonated with me in this stage of my life. Taking a step back for my family was not an easy choice. It was actually one of the most difficult choices I've ever made. There are times when I question whether or not it was the right move and then WHAM! God smacks me with one of His truths and sets me gently back on the straight and narrow.

This morning was one of those God smacks. Cutting back financially can certainly take a toll and it's so easy to focus on what we've given up, isn't it? What I'm realizing that I need to get better at is focusing on what I've gained. 50+ hour work weeks didn't give me a ton of time to invest in my children. If I'm being completely honest, their daycare (which is amazing thank goodness) had way more of an influence on them than I did for a very long time. Those wonderful women were pouring hours into my children and receiving 80% of their hugs, kisses, and 'I love you's' while I settled for the remaining 20% first thing in the morning and later at the end of the day.

Now, I know switching careers or working fewer hours isn't always a reality and you have to find the balance that works best in your home. What I am trying to say, however, is that when making these decisions we need to ask ourselves on a regular basis - are we making choices that will store up treasure in Heaven or here on earth? Where are our priorities within these choices?

So here's a cool thought. If I achieve nothing else in my life, I want to know that my children love Jesus and that they will someday be with me and my husband in Heaven. By pouring my time into them, I'm pouring my faith into them and doing all that I can to make sure they are exposed to the Gospel. My children are my treasures. If my hope becomes reality, they will come to saving faith one day and I can say with a happy heart that my beautiful treasures are stored up in Heaven. Amen!

Kelley WotherspoonComment