'The Good Old Days Are Still To Come'


If you’ve read my recent blog posts, you’ll know that the past few years have been . . . well . . . rough. Personally, physically, mentally, professionally - all of it has stretched me in ways I never thought possible. And now we’re struggling as a society with COVID19, economic chaos, and murder hornets (I mean, what in the world?). These types of situations can drag us to very dark places and we start to feel like we’re in a black hole of hopelessness that we’ll never have the strength to crawl out of. You with me? If you are, keep reading. If not, I give you permission to go back to whatever Netflix show you’re blissfully binge watching (tell Carole Baskin I said ‘hi’).

The picture included in this blog is a sign a dear friend gave to me as a little ray of sunshine to get me through the days I spent hospitalized while doctors tried to pin down what was malfunctioning in my brain. I don’t know about you, but I have to have some semblance of hope to hold on to or I start sinking in the quicksand of life’s downturns.

Let me offer you some peace and reassurance that ‘the good old days are still to come.’ Jeremiah 29:11 says ‘For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.’ FUTURE and HOPE! Friends, this keeps me going. When I face my personal health crisis, or our little family faces the financial ramifications of the recent layoff that my husband experienced with his job, or when we collectively face a global pandemic as a total human race, we are still promised a future and a hope. God didn’t just muse about it, He DECLARED it. That’s a strong word from an even stronger Heavenly Father who wants all the best for His children no differently than I want all the best for my own kids.

We have a branch to cling to, you guys. It’s strong and steady and will not break in the midst of whatever crisis is attempting to pull you away from your peace. Hold tight, the storm WILL pass and those good old days WILL be sweet whether they occur on this side of Heaven or within the pearly gates where each of our renewed spirits will dance on streets of gold and our Savior’s hand will lovingly wipe away every painful tear.