Our Bodies - Temple, Idol or Fixer-Upper


This topic has been weighing heavily on my heart for a while now. Between the ‘COVID 15’ weight gain trend, meds that cause my weight to fluctuate up and down as they are changed or dosages are manipulated, poor personal coping strategies, and immobility due to my knee surgery, I have experienced a tremendous amount of frustration in the area Of body image.

One minute I’m dialed in on slimming down solely because I’m placing my identity in my appearance. Then I pull a complete 180 and I’m binging on an entire bag of pretzels because I’m feeling low and trying to push my emotions down beneath some food that brings me temporary joy. I know that God tells us to relate to our bodies as a precious temple, but what happens when that temple is crumbling physically or emotionally? Or what should we do when that temple becomes an idol? It’s a vicious pendulum swing that is impossible to stop with our own strength. We can go too far one way or the other and oscillate between the two extremes. We can abuse our bodies or treat them as if they are our god. The divine intended plan, however, is to view our bodies as something we can use to honor the one, true God. Here’s my 2 cent opinion on the subject.


In my twenties, I went through a really rough patch in my life. As a result, stress made eating anything feel like an impossibility, and I consequently lost a ton of weight very quickly. All of a sudden I had a tiny waistline, and I didn’t mind the looks and compliments that came my way. This fueled a dangerous fire. Determined to stay fit and lean for all the wrong reasons, I focused my energy on working out excessively and eating next to nothing. I wanted to look good, I wanted to feel attractive, I wanted my ego to enjoy the boost. I became obsessed to a point where I wasn’t healthy at all. Not only had I lost too much weight, I had a distorted view of my body and an incorrect pulse on the reality of healthy eating habits. I didn’t consume nearly enough calories, I wanted to continue to drop sizes (I got down to a size 2 - my 5’7” frame is not made for this), and I was mentally fixated on looking my best at all times. The money and effort I spent on my own appearance was ridiculous, and the judgement I cast on others was downright sinful. I was headed for disaster. I’m so thankful that God gave me a spiritual slap upside my head and turned my heart around to seek a healthy body image again.

This is a tricky one, friends. There is nothing inherently wrong with proper fitness and nutrition. In fact, we owe it to God to treat our bodies this way. The issue comes when we start to worship our figure instead of the one who created it.


“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God with your body.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

When we give our lives over to God and become Christians, we also commit to trying to live in a way that is holy and acceptable to the Lord. Our bodies are not ours to do with whatever we please. We are to treat them as a precious temple housing the Holy Spirit who dwells within us.

My brother recently had two of his dear friends and their sweet, little baby come stay with him while they came into town. Now, my brother is a bachelor in his early 30’s. His spare bedroom served as an office/storage area. He knew this setup was not good enough for his special guests to dwell in. They are important to him, and he wanted to make sure they were comfortable and cared for. He gave the room a total makeover, moving his stuff out and setting up a cozy bedroom - he even bought brand new sheets and pillows to make sure they could get the best sleep possible. When you truly care about someone, you go the extra mile to set your things aside and make room for the ones you love.

The Holy Spirit lives within us. I think we often forget this; I know I do. Is he holed up in a heart cluttered with our junk, or is he held in high regard living like the deity that he is? This is tough and it’s not something we’ll perfect here on earth. We sure need to try, though. We can think twice about our actions and how we treat our bodies. Everything we do should be done in a way that brings honor to our King.


This is where I’ve landed, and I wonder if a lot of you are here with me, too. I’m trying not to idolize my image and I want to present my body blameless and acceptable before the Lord, but honesty would place me somewhere in the middle. I’m a work in perpetual progress, and I’m seeking God’s help to actively take steps in the right direction.

I may not be the mansion that the Holy Spirit deserves, but this temple has potential. God knows the desires of my heart and he’s fixing me up one project at a time. I’ve never been so thankful for his grace.

That same grace is extended to you, too, and it should be something we extend to each other as well. Don’t give up, friends! If Chip and Joanna Gaines can take a shack and turn it into a masterpiece, just imagine what our Savior can transform us into. We just need to hand him the hammer, he’s already provided the nails.

Kelley WotherspoonComment