Get In the Picture

Sadly, I’ve attended multiple funerals in the past few weeks for people who died way too young. These were people who were vibrant and lively and their losses are met with a giant hole where their lights once were. As I walked through the heavy wooden doors to where family and friends were gathered, I took note of all the photos displayed in honor of each of these individuals. Pictures of them living their lives, loving their people, enjoying their hobbies. These are snapshots in time of moments that are now memories. These also become the security blanket for the heartache that comes with all the pictures that can no longer be taken moving forward.

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How many times have you dodged a photo because your hair wasn’t perfect, your weight wasn’t at it’s healthiest, your outfit wasn’t as flattering as you had anticipated it to be? How many times have you been the one behind the camera instead of the one in front of it? How often have you missed the opportunity to have your image frozen in time so that your spouse, your kids, your family and friends can hold on to your likeness in the midst of their grief?

I know it’s not something that’s easy to think about, but it is something that resonated deeply as I watched each video display or poster board arrangement. I’ve eliminated myself from being in so many pictures because of all the reasons mentioned above. Someday, I’ll be the one lying in that box. I’ll be the one reduced to a smile on paper for my loved ones remaining here on earth.

It won’t matter that I was carrying a few extra pounds or that my hair was messy that day. It won’t matter that my makeup was smudged or that my attire wasn’t falling perfectly into place. What will matter is that I was there; I lived that experience with my loved ones and documented our precious time together. What will matter is that I was willing to leave them with a tangible memory that they can hold onto when my soul has moved on to eternity.

So get in the picture, friends. Life will never be exactly the way we want it, situations will probably lack perfection and our appearance is bound to have flaws. Who cares? Jump in, flash your pearly whites, and snap the photo anyway!

“Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.”

Psalm 144:4