Rain Delay

Unless you live under a rock, I think it’s safe to assume you heard something about the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series back in 2016. Even if you’re not a Cubs fan (I’ll pray for you ha!), or you even if you don’t follow baseball in general, you would have been hard-pressed to find a media source that wasn’t reporting on this long-overdue victory in some fashion. Anything that takes 108 years to accomplish is bound to make some social waves.

For those who witnessed the unfolding of that epic game, you are familiar with the story I’m about to tell. Late into game 7, the Cubs blew a three-run lead. Emotions were high and their hearts were heavy. They had come so far and it looked like they might let this long-awaited “W” slip away. Then, the rain came. It started pouring and umpire Joe West called for a delay of game. Each team took to the shelter of their clubhouses for the next 17 minutes. As the weather began to break and the players once again took to their respective dugouts, something had changed. The Cubs, once appearing defeated and downtrodden, emerged confident and determined. So, what happened during those infamous 17 minutes?

In his book The Cubs Way, Tom Verducci explained this flip in the team’s switch. The players dug deep, rallied together, built each other up, envisioned hope, and resurfaced with a plan. Had it not rained that night, us lifelong Cubs fans may have never witnessed sports history. Thank goodness for that 17-minute pause!

So, let me ask you, are you experiencing a bit of a rain delay in your life? Are the skies dark and gloomy? Is the storm stopping you in your tracks? Do you feel sidelined by something outside of your control? Now let me ask you how you’re approaching the rain? Are you viewing it as an impending defeat or as a pause in the chaos that's allowing you to better gain wisdom and line of sight for your future? When you’re hunkered down in the dugout of your heart, try the following:

  • Dig deep in your faith- God controls the rain, trust him

  • Rally together- surround yourself with those who can relate and help you gain proper perspective

  • Build others up- use your storm to encourage others experiencing similar inclement weather in their own lives

  • Envision hope- hone your heart in on the positive possibilities that can immerge from your current circumstances

  • Resurface with a plan- through prayer and petition, seek God’s will. Be prepared to move forward in lockstep with the Holy Spirit.

Rain delays are inevitable, but they are also helpful if we allow them to be. They give us a chance to pause, reset, and reevaluate. Use the rain well, friends.

…that this is God, our God forever and ever. He will guide us forever.

Psalm 48:14