Don't Hold Your Breath

When I'm in pain, I hold my breath.

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When I'm in distress, I hold my breath. When I'm nervous or scared... you guessed it, I hold my breath.

While this truly allows for some short-term relief (it reduces nervous system sensitivity!), there are negative consequences for holding our breath for too long. It depletes our brains of oxygen, it can have an adverse effect on our hearts. It may even damage the kidneys and liver. We can't hold our breath forever and expect to come out unscathed, it's an act that will cause damage.

As I thought about this concept and dug a bit deeper into my own daily life, I realized I'm holding my breath in lots of ways. I restrict my heart from feeling too much emotion to avoid the pain of possibly getting hurt by someone I love. I restrict my dreams from getting too big to avoid the pain of potential failure. I restrict my soul from the full impact of the Holy Spirit to avoid the pain of probable conviction. I don't like pain so I hold my breath to avoid feeling it at max intensity. 

But what if this restriction comes with a cost? What if our pain has a purpose? What if, by allowing ourselves to be raw, open, and honest, we could experience growth beyond anything we've ever known before? What if our trials and tribulations opened doors for impact and understanding in the lives of others? What if our hurt and heartache could be the conduit for bringing life into perspective?

When I was in labor with all three of my kiddos, I had a tendency to hold my breath with every contraction. The nurses had to literally remind me to breathe. The pain was intense and the pressure mounted beyond anything I thought my body could handle. But the result was a new life and a relatable story to tell.

Are you holding your breath, friends? Are you avoiding pain at the expense of growth both for yourself and for those you can help along the way? This life is orchestrated by our loving Creator, He is in every breath we breathe. So inhale, exhale, repeat.

"The Spirit of God has made me and the breath of the Almighty gives me life."

- Job 33:4 (ESV) -