Weeping Together

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Today’s post is a bit different, but I feel the need to speak my heart as it relates to the Black Lives Matter movement in America right now. I want to share my perspective on the issue as it really has opened my eyes and filled them with tears. I believe this issue is something that needs to pull on each of our heartstrings and we all need to feel the effects of the realities we’re being faced with.

Some people are on the front lines of this, directly suffering the injustice of being treated unfairly simply because they were born with a certain skin color. Some (myself included) are grappling with how to help at a time when fellow human beings are being wrongfully judged based solely on their outward appearance. While I believe that the rioting and looting taking place is NOT justified AT ALL (we are called to create peace, not chaos), I AM in full support of those peacefully protesting their right to fair and equal treatment. And I don’t think standing on the sidelines as a passive cheerleader is good enough. I think we are called to get our hands dirty in order to help our brothers and sisters in need.

Life is sacred, period. There are no distinctions as to levels of lives that are more valuable than others. We are all made in the image of God and each image bearer matters. We also all have a responsibility to love and serve each other in the midst of our needs. The Bible makes it clear that we are to ‘rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep’ (Romans 12:15). So many are weeping right now and I’m crying out on your behalf. I am praying for your broken spirit, I am committing to be an agent of change in whatever ways I can, I’m educating myself so that I can better understand your pain and effectively move forward as a promoter of peaceful progress, I am standing by your side as someone you can lean on when you are too tired and worn out to steady yourself, and I’m searching my own heart for any seed of prejudice that I may not realize exists.

The color of your skin makes you a beautiful representation of the creativity of God. In no way should it make you a target for those who hatefully use differences to somehow justify a disconnect from humanity as a whole (please understand I am not singling out law enforcement here, this is a heart issue - not an occupational issue). None of this discrimination is ok. None of it.

I am weeping with you.

In a sermon our pastor preached this week, he explained a symbolic depiction of the cross that made so much sense in light of the current state of our world. The design of the cross itself includes both vertical and horizontal beams. What he said was so powerful. The vertical beam represents our human longing for our Savior and the relationship we need with him - both personally and as a society. This beam is the support system for the horizontal extension. It holds up our relationships with each other. We can exist in harmony BECAUSE we can love through Christ who sees beyond our skin tone and into the nature of our hearts. As he willingly sacrificed his own life for the security of our eternity, his eyes looked vertically up to his Father in Heaven, his arms were stretched out horizontally - open to embrace all who accept his love, and his giant heart for the entire human race filled the intersection of both beams.

If you are directly living the agony of this dissension, I’m so sorry and I’m here. If you are like me and not directly experiencing the heartbreak of being the victim of racial profiling, start by weeping with those who weep. Search your soul for compassion, ask how you can help, support this much-needed movement for change.

Our hearts all beat the same. We all breathe, bleed and feel. See the commonalities, unify in Christ and fight for justice to truly be a reality for ALL.